With a deep dive into our processes and systems, we work with our client to identify the pain points and help drive creative solutions and efficiency. At Artnexus Design, our goal is simple – provide a consistent experience across every stage of the journey and deliver exceptional results.

Link to Online Annual Report.

Testimonial from client:
“I extend a huge Thank You to the Artnexus Design team for the delivery of the BW LPG Annual Report 2019. Additional rounds of amends and a very demanding timeline were managed well and their professional approach, flexibility and dedication to the project are much appreciated. The team’s willingness and drive to deliver on time, regardless of various challenges, is truly a testament to the team’s can-do attitude. Although this was the first time working with Artnexus Design, I look forward to more creative projects in the future!”
Nadia van Dam, Manager, Communications and Branding

Client: BW LPG Pte Ltd

Concept | Art & Creative Direction | Photography | Annual Report Design | Microsite Design & Development | Production

We can sound overly earnest when discussing some small facet of a client’s work. This is because we want to help brands tell better stories. At Artnexus Design, the diversity in our opinions and the strength of capturing the essence of your stories make us unique and compelling.

Read the report.

Testimonial from client:
“On behalf of the team, I just wanted to say a big thank you for producing a beautiful Annual Report on time. Thank you for bearing with us for the many rounds of extensive changes, capturing the changes meticulously and always within our stipulated milestone timelines. This is no mean feat, indeed. It was a real breeze to work with the Artnexus Design team, and we are grateful for their professionalism and positive attitude.”
May Lum, Head of Group Communications

Client: Singapore Health Services

Concept | Art & Creative Direction | Photography | Interviews | Copy Writing | Annual Report Design | Production

We can’t fake passion. What excites us is the journey, drive and determination to push a little more every day. At Artnexus Design, we care deeply about our client’s projects and delivery. The results make us proud.

Testimonial from client:
“We are very pleased with Artnexus Design’s professionalism and work quality. The team is accommodating and efficient, proposes lots of creative ideas to meet our company’s requests, and goes above and beyond to deliver high-quality work. We highly recommend Artnexus Design.”
Yiwen Seet, Marketing Communications

Client: Food Empire Holdings Limited

Concept | Art & Creative Direction | Photography | Illustration | Copy Writing | Branding | Annual Report Design | Press Advert Design | Production

We grow our business by creating experiences people love. At Artnexus Design, we deliver on promises, and we combine strategic insight with our creative ingenuity into a single solution that changes how our clients communicate with their audience. This approach has kept our clients coming back.

Testimonial from client:
“Artnexus Design understood our needs and was quick in turnaround. They are an impressive team to work with, and I am pleased to work with the team on our Annual Report 2018-19!”
Chew Kia Huey, Senior Manager, Corporate Communications

Client: National Council of Social Service (NCSS)

Concept | Art & Creative Direction | Photography | Copy Writing | Annual Report Design | Production

We are not afraid to daydream and discover new things. Some say crafting with brains are smarter human beings. We think so too! At Artnexus Design, we apply design thinking and couple with our decades of experience, we are capable of delivering ideas that are compelling, solutions that are engaging and results that are rewarding.

Read the report.

Client: Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore

Concept | Art & Creative Direction | Photography | Copy Writing | Annual Report Design | Production

With our culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration, we value our expertise and enjoy combining our collective skills. At Artnexus Design, we are an enthusiastic team and take pride in delivering results for our clients.

Client: Association for Persons with Special Needs (APSN)

Concept | Art & Creative Direction | Photography | Copy Writing | Annual Report Design | Production

At Artnexus Design, we believe the path to great work is through creative strategies that have clear and measurable objectives, and we aim to create work that adds value to people’s lives.

Client: National Council of Social Service (NCSS)

Concept | Art & Creative Direction | Photography | Copy Writing | Annual Report Design | Production

Knowing what to do and how to do it makes a difference. At Artnexus Design, we believe it’s the way we work that matter most – we fuse our passion, intellect and capabilities to do better, creating meaningful experiences for our client.

Client: Singapore Health Services

Concept | Art & Creative Direction | Photography | Interviews | Copy Writing | Annual Report Design | Production